1. I got this awesome acupuncture treatment that rocked my body in some pretty radical ways. I could feel the energy move, disappear, relocate, transition into various intensities, manifest with various sensations, and then go away. I had waves of energy moving through my body from head to toe. My throat tightened. I coughed. The heals of my feet began to hurt as if a lot of weight was resting on them. I could feel energy moving in my ear canal. Different parts of my head began to hurt. My eyes fell shut upon themselves my body relaxing and then abruptly they reopened, wanting to stay open they focused on the halos forming around the light fixtures in the ceiling. I don't think I blinked for a while. I felt circular energy forming around each needle in my body. Three in my belly, two on my belly and two on my feet. She asked me to come back in a couple of days and wear a tank top. She was going to do my back. Before my session started, she told me that my session could possibly be pretty intense. We exchanged words that I can't remember, me trying to understand her. Then I said "like the energy that gets moved when reiki is being performed on the body." "Yes!" she said. When it was over. I told her that it was freaking radical, bizarre, and wild and that I was totally into it. I could see her smile and nod.
I am sure more than two cool things happened today. It's just that right when these happened I felt my world being rocked. May be a bit dramatic. However, those are the words I chose.
2. I discovered Jillian Mayer.
This was my first introduction
Ok, now I look at the hits on this video and it appears that over 2,000,000 people have watched it. Whatever! I don't care! I saw it for the first time and was excited to see a young women doing something strange that I am pretty sure would knock all my freak friends into total freak love.
I have for some time been a creator of scary art. A teacher once took his students to one of my shows, it was a commentary on sanity and insanity in society. I asked him what they had thought, he told me, "They asked if you were insane." Now I don't think Jillian Mayer is insane. Heck, I don't even know the gal. But what I do know is that she produces odd, strange, sometimes scary, avant grade, bizarre videos that sometimes have a pop song to them.
I love a woman that is willing to put a bunch of crap on her face. I mean most of us do on a regular basis.
Inner Voice: "Chrystal, that is using your judgment mind and is rather untrue and not very kind."
Oh well I am commenting on a video by an artist that commentates on society so opinions and loose language are running a bit free in my world. Moreover, I love that she is a face drawer! I mean she really is! And so am I! Many of my projects have involved face painting, body painting, and not in the whimsical oh I am a Faerie connected with nature kind of way, instead, the I am not afraid to make a statement kind of way. One that makes me uncomfortable and could make you too. Though I promise, I am not doing it on purpose. I really appreciate how this video is done in her living room to further imulate tutorials on youtube and how she continues to reference a way of integration and repulsion from the technological world.
"Scenic Jogging" created some fear in me and I love that. I love when art makes me feel something. An inanimate object is creating emotions that validate that I am freaking alive, and not in some cellphone, tv, alcohol, drug, sex, shopping, or food induced coma. Go Fear! You really rocked it this time!
When I watched an interview of her she talks about how in this video she plays a character that is is running after the unattainable. I am reminded of reading an article of how westerners will not ever be happy because they can not enjoy their current state of attainment. Meaning that they have a dream, they work very hard to reach it, they achieve the dream, and the amount of time that they spend enjoying that state of being is much smaller than easterners. Instead, Westerners move onto, creating a wonder of what it is that they can achieve next. There for there is a long period of dissatisfaction in our lives.
Speaking of which, I bet you didn't know you needed a new coffee mug?
On a very quite sidetrack to something that is a bit off track but I felled compelled to write it out anyways. Well here it goes,. After getting home from my acupuncture appointment, I had one memory from my past repeat in my head. It was when one of my best friends and I finally connected for the very first time. We didn't really know each other and had been doing the whole, "We should hang out some time," for about nine months. Then one night on the steps outside of the art building we had a discussion on energy. How everything was energy. How we could feel the space between people as energy. How we felt energy in our body. How the stones that we were standing on were even energy. It was one of those moments, where you look over at a person and realize that you have understood something beyond words. Something that goes down to the core.
Well I could go on more, and so more properly and with better grammar and stuff with a more reserved way of showing some new found loves, but obviously I didn't feel like it so I gut all pumped up and now I got to stop because I need to slow down the blood pumping system and call it a night. Seriously, my heart is beating pretty hard to me.
Is there something that has rocked your world? Is there another artist out there that almost the majority of the internet knows besides myself that you could open my art loving eyes to? Anything got you all excited that you didn't care and threw standards of how to be out the window? I'd love to hear about it. Or hey, how about you invisible data searching machines, no not you if your a real person, I am talking about the websites that traffic my sight that I am pretty sure are not real people, think about how technology affects your relation to mankind.
Dream ON!
I just reread my post and I am kind of embarrassed how I talk about myself a lot while referencing her work. I guess I just got excited about "getting to know" someone over the internet that reminded me of myself in some ways. A kindred art spirit on another plain. Oh, how stuff comes out of my head when I don't refine or restrain it...