I haven't finished a drawing for a while. During my drawing drought, I have done some scribbles, doodled while talking on the phone, started something, didn't like it, then either quickly turned the page to either stare at it and close it or make a couple marks and then move onto something else. I couldn't find a drawing inside of me. There was nothing to pull out. The whole process was extremely uncomfortable.
Several years ago, I went through a writers block. It happened sometime after my mother passed away. I didn't write anything for several years. Not a page in a journal, not a postcard, not a holiday note, or a wish for a Birthday. I finally wrote a birthday card. The process was painful. My handwriting was shaky and my writing seemed forced and extremely unnatural. I would even go so far as to call it painful. 1 year later, I was filling up a notebook a month with thoughts, desires, dreams, nightmares, obsessions and memories.
Well, on November 11, 2013, I finished a drawing! In fact I did two, but the first one I consider more to be my warm up. For the sake of it though, we can go ahead and say I finished two. To my astonishment, the process wasn't painful, wasn't forced, nor was my mind filled with thoughts of judgement. I simply went along, made some marks and continued till I said that it was done. I accepted it for what it was. Not passing judgement was a relief I wasn't even mindful of at the time.
Someone famous once said something along the lines of "If you don't know what to draw, just draw lines. If you still don't know what to draw, draw more lines" that is of course loosely quoted since I can't even remember who said it. Draw On!
YES! This is exciting. And, again, I can relate. Again I am stunned by the similarities in our experiences, yet stand and marvel at your ablility to describe it so accurately, by your intense devotion to the creative process, and by the beauty of what you share with the world.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much. Your kind words and encouragement mean so much to me. I feel really blessed to have you see the beauty in me. I have also always admired your devotion. Dedication. You have a certain commitment to your practice that I have always admired. It's very grounded. I hope to ingrain that more into my life as well. I get easily distracted and it's always nice to have something to work for. Feel free to send me some of those tarot cards if you like. I wish that I could express back to you in a way that is as eloquent as you to me. xoxox
ReplyDeleteYOur eloquence has its own beauty, my love. I'll get some tarot cards in the mail to you soon! But, hey, wouldn't it be even more fun to do them together, in person, with kitties?!?!?! xoxox bzzzz