Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Outside and Around the Home

I go outside                     

 I go outside to explore the world around my home.


 I go outside to connect with the elements. 

To ground into nature.

 To feel my body filled with inspiration, connection, love and peace. 

 It's a refresh throughout my day.

 I go outside because of the sounds, the sights, the feels the smells. 

Something that brings me joy, can help shift a negative mood, and something that I am ever so grateful for.


  1. Replies
    1. So happy you received it that way. Much Love and Aloha to you Beautiful one <3

  2. Thank you for this bounty of beauty! I felt like I could feel and hear the wind blowing through those trees....Lynda Lou, Grateful Aspirant

    1. Lynda Lou, that is so magical that you say that. I had wondered later on "Hmmm. I'm not sure if I captured the sound of the wind through the leaves of the trees." And you felt it. Awesome! Much Love, Aloha and Gratitude to you <3,
