Friday, September 12, 2014

Landmarks, Flowers and Aloha Friday

     All together now "It's Aloha Friday, no work till Monday. It's Aloha Friday, no work till Monday.  It's Aloha Friday no work till monday.  It's Aloha Friday no work till Monday." While the lyrics of the song are not always true, it's still a fun song to sing.

     Not only is it Aloha Friday today Conduit for Love has had over 1,000 views! I know that is not that much and it is still a landmark.  My intention was to never get a lot of viewers, it was rather to challenge myself to express and share more of my thoughts, my mind, my should, my desires, my fears and my art. To be a creative person and welcome all the challenges that come with that.  Any "advertising" has been inspired by my artistic calling rather than wanting adoration, affirmation or validation.  I'm here, doing it and that's what matters most.

     Today we are going to celebrate with one of my most favorite things. FLOWERS! I love Flowers! I love buying them for others, growing them, buying them for myself, making leis for my loved ones out of them, making flower crowns, painting them, admiring them and countless other activities.  Flowers are one of natures many arts and I absolutely adore them. So if anyone ever wants to buy me flowers.  It would be welcomed with much appreciation enthusiasm and love.

So here are some Flowers!

A Gardenia that I put next to a picture of my mother.  We had them growing all around the house.  Gardenia's make me think of heaven and home.  I love them so much.

Pink! Pink makes me think of one of my favorite colors and of magic.

A flower outside a nearby restaurant.  Orange makes me think of monks, my grandmother and a dear friend of mine.  Orange and blue makes me think of my grandma and art.

Yellow is happiness and sunshine.

I associate Purple with royalty and psychic abilities.

I find these flowers so interesting.  They are even beautiful at the end of summer when they are all dried up.  I think "Don't pick the flowers" and its my own joke that I find funny.

A single Hibiscus in Hawai'i.

A water lily in Hawai'i

Rhododendrons remind me of living with my grand parents as a kid and of heartbreak.

A flower on our table at Cafe Coco

The juxtaposition of hard and soft outside of the Hardware store.

Spots of orange, like Monet.

Bougainvillea, my grandmother, Hawai'i, the Lindbrook Courtyard.

The Hindu Temple, Kauai.

Nature's Painting

Roses by my grandparent's grave.

Made arrangements out of these flowers for my Grandmother's last living Birthday.

My cousin helping me pick out Grandmas flowers in the International District of LA.

My friends flower shop.

Where I used to process flowers at my friend's flower shop.

Gave this one to a man.  I can't remember it's name.

Went searching for a stump to sit on, just before giving up.  found this one adorned.

A tulip outside the police station on my way to work.

I hope that these flowers brought a little extra joy to your day.  Comment below about a story about you and flowers, doesn't have to be grand, and I'll send you a little gift.  A picture of one of these flowers to celebrate this landmark.  Happy Aloha Friday.


  1. The bougainvillea also reminds me of my Grandma, who lived in Gardena.

    I love your vision - there seem to be colours and textures in your world that can only be seen through your eyes.

  2. Your validation is welcomed with graciousness. Thank you. I love the story you shared. Synchronicity. Is there a particular image that you like from above. I can also show you others if one doesn't say "I'm yours" :)
